Resource Resilience Counseling

Grow Resilience. Heal Trauma. Shape Change.

Rebecca Renfrow is a resilience counselor and group facilitator using Organic Intelligence, Somatic Experiencing and the Creative Community model to help individuals and communities cultivate resource to support and sustain movement toward equity, dignity, vitality and joy. 

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About Rebecca Renfrow Wilder:

Rebecca (she/her and they/them pronouns) is a somatic therapist, resilience counselor and group facilitator using Organic Intelligence®, Somatic Experiencing® and the Creative Community model. Rebecca integrates training in trauma healing, development and attachment biology with critical social theory, mindfulness and nature-based practices to offer her clients attuned support to integrate change and move toward wellness.

Rebecca has an MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Prescott College and is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in the State of Washington. She has worked as a therapist in the renowned residential treatment center Sierra Tucson, serving patients with PTSD, substance use disorders, anxiety, depression, eating disorders and chronic pain. Her clinical training background focused on homeless youth, young mothers facing homelessness, and low-income queer and trans individuals, especially those in early stages of transition.

Rebecca holds a systems perspective, working within herself, with clients and in community to transform the toxicity of settler colonial myths of separation and supremacy. A long time social justice activist, Rebecca came to healing arts as a way to support individuals and communities to build resilience and resolve trauma to shape and sustain movements toward equity, dignity, and vitality. Rebecca is a white, queer, cis woman from a working class family in the woods in Kentucky (Chickasaw, Cherokee and Osage territory) committed to culture shift and healing that makes the world safe and joy-full for Black, Indigenous and people of color.

Artists, activists, social entrepreneurs, care workers, sex workers, educators, helpers, healers, queer, trans, polyam folks and all those seeking and practicing liberation are welcomed and affirmed.

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Living and working on Duwamish land.

Seattle, Washington


Background photo by Simon Matzinger